Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Performing on Paper

Am working on some short stories this week and some assignments for the Sun News.
Looking for grants on healthy food to help with my newest project.
Anyone have any ideas?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Healthy Stories
Heard from a number of people on the storytelling list serve--got some great ideas for what to include in my compilation but of course I need to find three sources for each folk tale and then put together my own version, cultural notes to be included, before I can claim anything--unless I use original material. I do have several original food tales and poems that I will include.
Right now am considering the re-working of one of my novel to make the plot a bit more interesting--so many projects and so little time. Still need to take down my Christmas tree!
Neighbors have begun to pay homage to my birthday--January 10--one dear friend brought over some home made rice pudding yesterday--good friends, good food--see why I am doing food stories

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year

Well, so much for getting a fast start--I am already a day behind on the new year.
But in my defense I have been cleaning out the enormous amounts of material in my office--clips from the past twenty years including magazines I edited as well as those I wrote for. I ruthlessly pruned most of the business materials and kept articles that deal with softer subjects--the ones I still enjoy writing about--travel, parenting, story performance, and of course, food!

I am looking for grant money to fund a performance and writing project dealing with healthy eating. That is one of the goals I have for this year.

Over the Christmas break I watched Blind Side with my daughter Jennie and we both agree that it is a first rate effort and a great acting job by Ms. Bullock. But by far our favorite holiday movie was the Princess and the Frog! Disney at his best!
I tell the story of the frog prince in several forms and applaud the original touches the Disney writer gave as well as the wonderful artwork! The music is very good too, but not top of the effort --up to some of the others. Did not leave the theatre singing but still, the songs are good ones. May yet take some awards.
Have not seen Avatar--may not make it to a theatre showing. May wait for DVD.
Waited for DVD for UP (OK, so I am a fan of traditional animation)
UP was well worth the wait--a great film. Am now awaiting Toy Story 3 along with the latest Narnia and Harry Potter Installments.